Sunday, June 13, 2010

I feel good

4-13 So, Monday's are one of two long days as I have five classes to teach. Today I decided to try and teach James Brown's "I feel Good" but the kids did not like it as much as I thought they would. I was a bit bummed but it was just a learning moment as to what the kids like and don't. Otherwise it was a good day. Bomi did tell me I need to greet the principal and Vice Principal in the mornings when I get to school. Of course I attempted to do so several times this morning and they were both late! Yesterday after work we went to the bank to take out my money for my cellphone deposit and $50 for spending. After dropping off the deposit I went home and grabbed a shower. I though about venturing out for dinner but was tired and just decided on a jam sandwich and later a bowl of cereal.
Not too long after showering I developed an awful headache and just laid down and rested. I also brough home the first Pirates movie and completed the trilogy! I then listened to some music for a while before crashing around 10pm. I woke up this morning around 4 and had some more cereal before sleeping some before heading to school. I headed out for school around 8am while lstening to Avett Brothers on dad's Ipod he let me borrow while I'm over here. Tuesday's are usually very busy too but the students had testing so I had no morning classes, and just two in the afternoon! In 5th grade music we learned the farmer and the dell and the kids seems to like it pretty well. I actually have to go back to yesterday for a moment as that is when I made my first student cry. In the 3rd grade class we had a competition between the boys and girls over vocabulary words. The boys ended up winning and the girls were very upset with one of them even crying. After class, the girl who speaks English the best gave us a note that said "I'm very sad". Needless to say I felt pretty small at that point but was also encouraged as they did care about doing well in class. So, back to today. Bomi gave the 6th grade class a music test. She had the studens that failed stay behind and practic and during this I noticed that a girl was crying. I mentioned this to Bomi and she said that the girl has no parents and lives with her grand parents. She said people in the rural areas will leave their kids and head to the bigger cities some times. This is truly sad and there are too many kids around the world that suffer in the classroom because they have no support system outside of the school. It's 4:30 now and I'm heading home. Think I'll grab some chicken, mushrooms, onions, and throw them into the skillet for dinner.

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